Sales Tax Table Definition of Terms
- Economic Nexus – this row indicates whether a state has economic nexus provisions. Economic nexus generally means that if a remote seller passes a state’s economic threshold for total revenue or number of transactions, they are legally obligated to collect and remit sales tax in that state. No physical presence is required.
- Marketplace Facilitators – a business that forms contracts with third parties and sells any services or goods.
- TPP – stands for Tangible Personal Property. It refers to goods that have a physical existence.
- Clothing – as a TPP, sales tax on clothing is more complex than other commodities because it may or may not be exempt.
- Digital Products – this row indicates whether sales of digital products transferred electronically, including downloaded music, videos, and books, are subject to tax.
- EFT – stands for Electronic Funds Transfer. This allows taxpayers to make Sales, Withholding, and a variety of other tax payments electronically via the ACH network.
- SaaS – stands for Software as a Service. This row indicates whether SaaS is subject to sales tax. In the SaaS scenario, the seller owns, operates, and maintains the software application and the server that hosts the software. Customers access the software via the world wide web. The software is not transferred to the customer, and the customer has no right to download, copy, or modify the software. The seller bills customers on a per-use or periodic basis.
- Grocery Food – this row sets forth the taxability of non-prepared grocery food. Food prepared by a grocery is taxable in all states as meals. Many states that exempt grocery food exclude certain items such as soft drinks, candy, and confections.
- Prepared Food – this row indicates whether sales of prepared food are taxable. Exemptions may apply to sales made to specific purchasers.
- Services – these are tasks and activities performed for the benefit of the recipients. Depending on the service category, it may or may not be sales tax-exempt.
- Shipping – indicates whether the delivery of goods to the consumer are taxable. This usually depends when shipping fee is billed as a separate item.
Alabama Sales Tax Table
Alaska Sales Tax Table
- not applicable
- AK’s state-wide sales tax rate is 0%. It is important to note that Alaska has a different effectivity rate date per city within the state with the Remote Seller Sales Tax Code, which only applies to Local municipalities in Alaska that choose to adopt it. For more information, you can visit the Alaska Remote Seller Sales Tax Commission.
- Starting January 1, 2025, the Alaska Remote Seller Sales Tax Commission (ARSSTC) will no longer use transaction counts to determine economic nexus. Businesses will only need to register with the ARSSTC if their gross sales, including marketplace sales, exceed $100,000 in the current or previous calendar year. Sellers with gross sales below $100,000 in 2024 may cancel their registrations after this date, but they must continue collecting and remitting taxes until the cancellation is formally processed. Taxpayers currently registered should review their gross sales and transaction counts to determine eligibility for cancellation, which can be completed using the ARSSTC Remote Seller Account Closure Form.
Arizona Sales Tax Table
Arkansas Sales Tax Table
California Sales Tax Table
Colorado Sales Tax Table
Connecticut Sales Tax Table
Delaware Sales Tax Table
- not applicable
- DE neither imposes state nor local sales tax.
District of Columbia Sales Tax Table
Florida Sales Tax Table
Georgia Sales Tax Table
Hawaii Sales Tax Table
Idaho Sales Tax Table
Illinois Sales Tax Table
Indiana Sales Tax Table
Iowa Sales Tax Table
Kansas Sales Tax Table
Kentucky Sales Tax Table
Louisiana Sales Tax Table
Maine Sales Tax Table
Maryland Sales Tax Table
Massachusetts Sales Tax Table
Michigan Sales Tax Table
Minnesota Sales Tax Table
Mississippi Sales Tax Table
Missouri Sales Tax Table
Montana Sales Tax Table
- not applicable
- MT has no state or local government sales tax.
Nebraska Sales Tax Table
Nevada Sales Tax Table
New Hampshire Sales Tax Table
- not applicable
- NH state tax rate is 0%, with no sales tax levied by the state or local government.
New Jersey Sales Tax Table
New Mexico Sales Tax Table
New York Sales Tax Table
North Carolina Sales Tax Table
North Dakota Sales Tax Table
Ohio Sales Tax Table
Oklahoma Sales Tax Table
Oregon Sales Tax Table
- not applicable
- OR does not impose sales tax on goods and services.
Pennsylvania Sales Tax Table
Rhode Island Sales Tax Table
South Carolina Sales Tax Table
South Dakota Sales Tax Table
Tennessee Sales Tax Table
Texas Sales Tax Table
Utah Sales Tax Table
Vermont Sales Tax Table
Virginia Sales Tax Table
Washington Sales Tax Table
West Virginia Sales Tax Table
Wisconsin Sales Tax Table
Wyoming Sales Tax Table